
What is Presbyterianism? An Address is unavailable, but you can change that!

Delivered in 1855 before the Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia, What Is Presbyterianism? is an informative discourse on the polity of the Presbyterian Church. Hodge regards Presbyterianism as not “a skillful product of human wisdom; but as a divine institution, founded on the word of God, and as the genuine product of the inward life of the Church.”

power in the Church is in the brotherhood; and secondly, that the Church organization is complete in each worshipping assembly, which is independent of every other. 4. The fourth theory is the Presbyterian, which it is our present business to attempt to unfold. The three great negations of Presbyterianism—that is, the three great errors which it denies are—1. That all church power vests in the clergy. 2. That the apostolic office is perpetual. 3. That each individual Christian congregation is independent.
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